WhatsAppTextBottomBar constructor

const WhatsAppTextBottomBar({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required ProImageEditorConfigs configs,
  3. required Color initColor,
  4. required ValueChanged<Color> onColorChanged,
  5. required TextStyle selectedStyle,
  6. required dynamic onFontChange(
    1. TextStyle style

Creates a WhatsAppTextBottomBar widget.

This bottom bar allows users to customize text color and font style, integrating seamlessly with the WhatsApp theme.


  configs: myEditorConfigs,
  initColor: Colors.black,
  onColorChanged: (color) {
    // Handle color change
  selectedStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 16),
  onFontChange: (style) {
    // Handle font change


const WhatsAppTextBottomBar({
  required this.configs,
  required this.initColor,
  required this.onColorChanged,
  required this.selectedStyle,
  required this.onFontChange,