designs/whatsapp/whatsapp library
- WhatsAppAppBar
- Represents the app bar for the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppCropRotateToolbar
- Represents the toolbar for the crop/rotate functionality in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppFilterBtn
- Represents the button for applying filters in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsappFilters
- A stateless widget that represents a collection of filters in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppHelper
- A helper class for managing WhatsApp filter animations and values.
- WhatsAppOpenFilterBtn
- Represents the button for applying filters in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppPaintAppBar
- Represents the app bar for the paint functionality in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppPaintBottomBar
- Represents the bottom bar for the paint functionality in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsappPaintColorpicker
- A stateless widget that provides a color picker for paint in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppStickerPage
- Represents the sticker-editor page for the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppTextAppBar
- Represents the app bar for the text-editor in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppTextBottomBar
- A stateful widget that represents the bottom bar for text editing in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsappTextColorpicker
- A stateless widget that provides a color picker for text in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsappTextSizeSlider
- A stateless widget that provides a text size slider in the WhatsApp theme.
- WhatsAppStickerMode
- An enumeration representing the modes for WhatsApp sticker functionality.
- whatsAppTemporaryStickerMode ↔ WhatsAppStickerMode
Represents the temporary sticker mode for WhatsApp.
getter/setter pair