designs/grounded/grounded_design library
- GroundedBlurBar
- A widget that represents the blur control bar in the image editor.
- GroundedBottomBar
- A widget that represents the bottom action bar in the image editor.
- GroundedBottomWrapper
- A wrapper widget that provides a themed layout for bottom UI components.
- GroundedCropRotateBar
- A widget that provides controls for cropping and rotating an image in the ProImageEditor.
- GroundedEmojiEditor
- A widget that provides an interface for selecting and editing emojis in the ProImageEditor.
- GroundedFilterBar
- A widget that represents a filter bar in the image editor.
- GroundedMainBar
- A widget that provides the main bottom navigation bar for the ProImageEditor.
- GroundedMainBarState
- State class for GroundedMainBar.
- GroundedPaintBar
- A widget that provides the paint toolbar for the ProImageEditor.
- GroundedStickerEditor
- A widget that provides the sticker editor interface in the ProImageEditor.
- GroundedTextBar
- A widget that provides a toolbar for text editing in the ProImageEditor.
- GroundedTextSizeSlider
- A widget that provides a slider for adjusting the text size in the ProImageEditor.
- GroundedTuneBar
- A widget that represents a grounded tune adjustment bar for the editor.