PaintingController constructor

  1. required double strokeWidth,
  2. required Color color,
  3. required PaintModeE mode,
  4. required bool fill,
  5. required int strokeMultiplier,
  6. required double opacity,

Creates an instance of the PaintingController with initial settings.

  • strokeWidth: The initial stroke width.
  • color: The initial color.
  • mode: The initial painting mode (e.g., line, circle, rectangle).
  • fill: Whether the initial mode should fill the shape (e.g., circle or rectangle).
  • strokeMultiplier: The multiplier for the stroke width.


  required double strokeWidth,
  required Color color,
  required PaintModeE mode,
  required bool fill,
  required int strokeMultiplier,
  required this.opacity,
}) {
  _strokeWidth = strokeWidth;
  _color = color;
  _mode = mode;
  _fill = fill;
  _strokeMultiplier = strokeMultiplier;