updateAspectRatio method

void updateAspectRatio(
  1. double value

Updates the current aspect ratio with a new value and adds a new history entry.

This method performs the following steps:

  1. Resets the editor state while skipping the addition of a history entry.
  2. Updates the aspect ratio to the provided value.
  3. Triggers any necessary callbacks related to the new aspect ratio.
  4. Recalculates the crop rectangle and fits it to the screen.
  5. Adds a new history entry with the current scale factor and a rotation angle of zero.
  6. Updates all relevant states in the editor.


void updateAspectRatio(double value) {
  reset(skipAddHistory: true);
  aspectRatio = value;

  addHistory(scaleRotation: oldScaleFactor, angle: 0);