PaintingEditorTheme constructor

const PaintingEditorTheme({
  1. TextStyle? lineWidthBottomSheetTitle,
  2. TextStyle? opacityBottomSheetTitle,
  3. Color appBarBackgroundColor = imageEditorAppBarColor,
  4. Color lineWidthBottomSheetColor = const Color(0xFF252728),
  5. Color opacityBottomSheetColor = const Color(0xFF252728),
  6. Color appBarForegroundColor = const Color(0xFFE1E1E1),
  7. Color background = imageEditorBackgroundColor,
  8. Color bottomBarColor = imageEditorAppBarColor,
  9. Color bottomBarActiveItemColor = imageEditorPrimaryColor,
  10. Color bottomBarInactiveItemColor = const Color(0xFFEEEEEE),
  11. double initialStrokeWidth = 10.0,
  12. double initialOpacity = 1.0,
  13. Color initialColor = const Color(0xffff0000),

Creates an instance of the PaintingEditorTheme class with the specified theme properties.


const PaintingEditorTheme({
  this.appBarBackgroundColor = imageEditorAppBarColor,
  this.lineWidthBottomSheetColor = const Color(0xFF252728),
  this.opacityBottomSheetColor = const Color(0xFF252728),
  this.appBarForegroundColor = const Color(0xFFE1E1E1),
  this.background = imageEditorBackgroundColor,
  this.bottomBarColor = imageEditorAppBarColor,
  this.bottomBarActiveItemColor = imageEditorPrimaryColor,
  this.bottomBarInactiveItemColor = const Color(0xFFEEEEEE),
  this.initialStrokeWidth = 10.0,
  this.initialOpacity = 1.0,
  this.initialColor = const Color(0xffff0000),
})  : assert(initialStrokeWidth > 0, 'initialStrokeWidth must be positive'),
      assert(initialOpacity >= 0 && initialOpacity <= 1,
          'initialOpacity must be between 0 and 1');