ExportStateHistory constructor

  1. required ProImageEditorConfigs editorConfigs,
  2. required List<EditorStateHistory> stateHistory,
  3. required ImageInfos imageInfos,
  4. required Size imgSize,
  5. required int editorPosition,
  6. required ContentRecorderController contentRecorderCtrl,
  7. required BuildContext context,
  8. ExportEditorConfigs configs = const ExportEditorConfigs(),

Constructs an ExportStateHistory object with the given parameters.

The stateHistory, _imgStateHistory, imgSize, and editorPosition parameters are required, while the configs parameter is optional and defaults to ExportEditorConfigs().


  required this.editorConfigs,
  required this.stateHistory,
  required this.imageInfos,
  required this.imgSize,
  required this.editorPosition,
  required this.contentRecorderCtrl,
  required this.context,
  ExportEditorConfigs configs = const ExportEditorConfigs(),
}) : _configs = configs;