I18nPaintingEditor constructor

const I18nPaintingEditor({
  1. String moveAndZoom = 'Zoom',
  2. String bottomNavigationBarText = 'Paint',
  3. String freestyle = 'Freestyle',
  4. String arrow = 'Arrow',
  5. String line = 'Line',
  6. String rectangle = 'Rectangle',
  7. String circle = 'Circle',
  8. String dashLine = 'Dash line',
  9. String lineWidth = 'Line width',
  10. String eraser = 'Eraser',
  11. String toggleFill = 'Toggle fill',
  12. String changeOpacity = 'Change opacity',
  13. String undo = 'Undo',
  14. String redo = 'Redo',
  15. String done = 'Done',
  16. String back = 'Back',
  17. String smallScreenMoreTooltip = 'More',

Creates an instance of I18nPaintingEditor with customizable internationalization settings.

You can provide translations and messages for various components of the Painting Editor in the Image Editor. Customize the text for painting modes, buttons, and messages to suit your application's language and style.


  bottomNavigationBarText: 'Paint',
  freestyle: 'Freestyle',
  arrow: 'Arrow',
  line: 'Line',
  rectangle: 'Rectangle',
  circle: 'Circle',
  dashLine: 'Dash Line',
  lineWidth: 'Line Width',
  toggleFill: 'Toggle fill',
  changeOpacity = 'Change opacity',
  eraser: 'Eraser',
  undo: 'Undo',
  redo: 'Redo',
  done: 'Done',
  back: 'Back',


const I18nPaintingEditor({
  this.moveAndZoom = 'Zoom',
  this.bottomNavigationBarText = 'Paint',
  this.freestyle = 'Freestyle',
  this.arrow = 'Arrow',
  this.line = 'Line',
  this.rectangle = 'Rectangle',
  this.circle = 'Circle',
  this.dashLine = 'Dash line',
  this.lineWidth = 'Line width',
  this.eraser = 'Eraser',
  this.toggleFill = 'Toggle fill',
  this.changeOpacity = 'Change opacity',
  this.undo = 'Undo',
  this.redo = 'Redo',
  this.done = 'Done',
  this.back = 'Back',
  this.smallScreenMoreTooltip = 'More',