sliderChangeOpacity property

CustomSlider<PaintingEditorState>? sliderChangeOpacity

A custom slider widget to change the line width in the paint editor.

  • editorState - The current state of the editor.
  • rebuildStream - A Stream that triggers the widget to rebuild.
  • value - The current value of the slider.
  • onChanged - A function to handle changes to the slider's value.
  • onChangeEnd - A function to handle the end of slider value changes.

Returns a ReactiveCustomWidget that provides a custom slider.

Example: sliderChangeOpacity: (editorState, rebuildStream, value, onChanged, onChangeEnd) { return ReactiveCustomWidget( stream: rebuildStream, builder: (_) => Slider( onChanged: onChanged, onChangeEnd: onChangeEnd, value: value, activeColor:, ), ); },


final CustomSlider<PaintingEditorState>? sliderChangeOpacity;