doneEditing method

  1. @protected
void doneEditing({
  1. dynamic returnValue,
  2. required EditorImage editorImage,
  3. Function? onCloseWithValue,
  4. dynamic onSetFakeHero(
    1. Uint8List?

This function is for internal use only and is marked as protected. Please use the done() method instead.


void doneEditing({
  dynamic returnValue,
  required EditorImage editorImage,
  Function? onCloseWithValue,
  Function(Uint8List?)? onSetFakeHero,
}) async {
  if (createScreenshot) return;

  if (initConfigs.convertToUint8List) {
    createScreenshot = true;
    LoadingDialog loading = LoadingDialog();
      configs: configs,
      theme: theme,
      message: i18n.doneLoadingMsg,

    /// Ensure the image infos are readed
    if (imageInfos == null) await setImageInfos();
    if (!mounted) return;

    /// Capture the final screenshot
    bool screenshotIsCaptured = screenshotHistoryPosition > 0 &&
        screenshotHistoryPosition <= screenshotHistory.length;
    Uint8List? bytes = await screenshotCtrl.captureFinalScreenshot(
      imageInfos: imageInfos!,
      backgroundScreenshot: screenshotIsCaptured
          ? screenshotHistory[screenshotHistoryPosition - 1]
          : null,
      originalImageBytes: screenshotHistoryPosition > 0
          ? null
          : await editorImage.safeByteArray(context),

    createScreenshot = false;

    /// Return final image that the user can handle it but still with the active
    /// loading dialog
    await initConfigs.onImageEditingComplete
        ?.call(bytes ?? Uint8List.fromList([]));

    /// Precache the image for the case the user require the hero animation
    if (onSetFakeHero != null) {
      if (bytes != null && mounted) {
        await precacheImage(MemoryImage(bytes), context);

    /// Hide the loading dialog
    if (mounted) loading.hide(context);

  } else {
    if (onCloseWithValue == null) {
      Navigator.pop(context, returnValue);
    } else {;