getRotateAngleSide function

RotateAngleSide getRotateAngleSide(
  1. double angleFactor

Calculates the rotation angle side based on the given angle factor.

The angleFactor is the factor used to calculate the rotation angle side. It should be a value in radians.

Returns a RotateAngleSide enum value representing the rotation angle side.


RotateAngleSide getRotateAngleSide(double angleFactor) {
  double pi2 = pi * 2;
  String factor = (angleFactor % pi2).toStringAsFixed(3);

  if (factor == (pi * 1.5).toStringAsFixed(3)) {
    return RotateAngleSide.left;
  } else if (factor == pi.toStringAsFixed(3)) {
    return RotateAngleSide.bottom;
  } else if (factor == (pi / 2).toStringAsFixed(3)) {
    return RotateAngleSide.right;
  } else {