I18nEmojiEditor constructor

const I18nEmojiEditor({
  1. String bottomNavigationBarText = 'Emoji',
  2. String search = 'Search',
  3. String categoryRecent = 'Recent',
  4. String categorySmileys = 'Smileys & People',
  5. String categoryAnimals = 'Animals & Nature',
  6. String categoryFood = 'Food & Drink',
  7. String categoryActivities = 'Activities',
  8. String categoryTravel = 'Travel & Places',
  9. String categoryObjects = 'Objects',
  10. String categorySymbols = 'Symbols',
  11. String categoryFlags = 'Flags',

Creates an instance of I18nEmojiEditor with customizable internationalization settings.

You can provide translations and messages specifically for the Emoji Editor component of your application.


  bottomNavigationBarText: 'Emojis',
  search: 'Search',


const I18nEmojiEditor({
  this.bottomNavigationBarText = 'Emoji',
  this.search = 'Search',
  this.categoryRecent = 'Recent',
  this.categorySmileys = 'Smileys & People',
  this.categoryAnimals = 'Animals & Nature',
  this.categoryFood = 'Food & Drink',
  this.categoryActivities = 'Activities',
  this.categoryTravel = 'Travel & Places',
  this.categoryObjects = 'Objects',
  this.categorySymbols = 'Symbols',
  this.categoryFlags = 'Flags',