CustomColorPicker<T> typedef

CustomColorPicker<T> = ReactiveCustomWidget<Widget>? Function(T editorState, Stream rebuildStream, Color currentColor, void setColor(Color color))

A typedef for creating a ReactiveCustomWidget that includes a custom color picker.

  • T - The type representing the editor state.
  • editorState - The current state of the editor.
  • rebuildStream - A Stream that triggers the widget to rebuild.
  • currentColor - The currently selected color.
  • setColor - A function to update the selected color.

Returns an optional ReactiveCustomWidget that provides a custom color picker.

Example: colorPicker: (editor, rebuildStream, currentColor, setColor) => ReactiveCustomWidget( stream: rebuildStream, builder: (_) => BarColorPicker( configs: editor.configs, length: 200, horizontal: false, initialColor: currentColor, colorListener: (int value) { setColor(Color(value)); }, ), ),


typedef CustomColorPicker<T> = ReactiveCustomWidget? Function(
  T editorState,
  Stream rebuildStream,
  Color currentColor,
  void Function(Color color) setColor,