AdaptiveDialog constructor

const AdaptiveDialog({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required ImageEditorDesignModeE designMode,
  3. required Widget title,
  4. required Widget content,
  5. required List<AdaptiveDialogAction> actions,
  6. required Brightness brightness,
  7. required ImageEditorTheme imageEditorTheme,

Creates an AdaptiveDialog.

The designMode determines the appearance of the dialog. The title and content are required widgets to display in the dialog. The actions is a list of AdaptiveDialogAction widgets to include as buttons. The brightness controls the brightness of the dialog. The imageEditorTheme is the theme specific to the image editor.


const AdaptiveDialog({
  required this.designMode,
  required this.title,
  required this.content,
  required this.actions,
  required this.brightness,
  required this.imageEditorTheme,