chooseCaptureMode method

Future<Uint8List?> chooseCaptureMode({
  1. required Image image,
  2. required String id,

Selects the appropriate capture mode based on the platform and configuration.

This function determines the capture mode based on the platform and configuration settings specified in _configs. If the configuration allows, the image generation may be offloaded to a separate thread or web worker for better performance. If an error occurs, it falls back to the main thread.


Future<Uint8List?> chooseCaptureMode({
  required ui.Image image,
  required String id,
}) async {
  if (_configs.imageGenerationConfigs.generateInsideSeparateThread) {
    try {
      if (!kIsWeb) {
        // Run in dart native the thread isolated.
        return await _captureWithNativeIsolated(
          image: image,
          id: id,
      } else {
        // Run in web worker
        return await _captureWithWebWorker(
          image: image,
          id: id,
    } catch (e) {
      // Fallback to the main thread.
      debugPrint('Fallback to main thread: $e');
      return await _captureWithMainThread(image: image);
  } else {
    return await _captureWithMainThread(image: image);