EditorImage class

Flutter EditorImage Class Documentation

The EditorImage class represents an image with multiple sources, including bytes, file, network URL, and asset path. It provides flexibility for loading images from various sources in a Flutter application.


EditorImage image = EditorImage(
  byteArray: imageBytes,


  • byteArray (optional): A byte array representing the image data.

  • file (optional): A File object representing the image file.

  • networkUrl (optional): A URL string pointing to an image on the internet.

  • assetPath (optional): A string representing the asset path of an image.


  • hasBytes: Indicates whether the byteArray property is not null.

  • hasNetworkUrl: Indicates whether the networkUrl property is not null.

  • hasFile: Indicates whether the file property is not null.

  • hasAssetPath: Indicates whether the assetPath property is not null.

  • safeByteArray: A future that retrieves the image data as a Uint8List from the appropriate source based on the EditorImageType.

  • type: Returns the type of the image source, determined by the available properties.

Example Usage:

EditorImage image = EditorImage(
  byteArray: imageBytes,

if (image.hasBytes) {
  // Handle image loaded from bytes.

EditorImageType imageType = image.type;
switch (imageType) {
  case EditorImageType.memory:
    // Handle image loaded from memory.
  case EditorImageType.asset:
    // Handle image loaded from assets.
  case EditorImageType.file:
    // Handle image loaded from file.
  case EditorImageType.network:
    // Handle image loaded from network.

Please refer to the documentation of individual properties and methods for more details.


EditorImage({Uint8List? byteArray, File? file, String? networkUrl, String? assetPath})
Creates an instance of the EditorImage class with the specified properties.


assetPath String?
A string representing the asset path of an image.
byteArray Uint8List?
A byte array representing the image data.
getter/setter pair
file File?
A File object representing the image file.
hasAssetPath bool
Indicates whether the assetPath property is not null.
no setter
hasBytes bool
Indicates whether the byteArray property is not null.
no setter
hasFile bool
Indicates whether the file property is not null.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasNetworkUrl bool
Indicates whether the networkUrl property is not null.
no setter
networkUrl String?
A URL string pointing to an image on the internet.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
type EditorImageType
Returns the type of the image source, determined by the available properties.
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
safeByteArray(BuildContext context) Future<Uint8List>
A future that retrieves the image data as a Uint8List from the appropriate source based on the EditorImageType.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.