drawElement function

void drawElement({
  1. required Canvas canvas,
  2. required Size size,
  3. required PaintModeE mode,
  4. required List<Offset?> offsets,
  5. required Paint painter,
  6. required bool freeStyleHighPerformanceScaling,
  7. required bool freeStyleHighPerformanceMoving,
  8. double scale = 1,
  9. Offset? start,
  10. Offset? end,

Draws an element on a canvas based on the specified mode and parameters.

This function is used to draw various elements such as freehand lines, straight lines, arrows, dashed lines, rectangles, and circles on a canvas. The appearance of the element is determined by the provided mode and additional parameters such as offsets, painter, scale, start, and end.

  • canvas: The canvas on which to draw the element.
  • size: The size of the canvas.
  • mode: The paint mode indicating the type of element to draw (e.g., freehand, straight line, arrow, etc.).
  • offsets: A list of points representing the element's path (used for freehand drawing).
  • painter: The paint object specifying the element's appearance (e.g., color, stroke width).
  • scale: The scaling factor applied to the coordinates of the element.
  • start: The starting point of the element (used for straight lines, arrows, dashed lines, rectangles, and circles).
  • end: The ending point of the element (used for straight lines, arrows, dashed lines, rectangles, and circles).
  • freeStyleHighPerformanceScaling: Controls high-performance scaling for free-style drawing. When set to true, it enables optimized scaling for improved performance.
  • freeStyleHighPerformanceMoving: Controls high-performance moving for free-style drawing. When set to true, it enables optimized moving for improved performance.


void drawElement({
  required Canvas canvas,
  required Size size,
  required PaintModeE mode,
  required List<Offset?> offsets,
  required Paint painter,
  required bool freeStyleHighPerformanceScaling,
  required bool freeStyleHighPerformanceMoving,
  double scale = 1,
  Offset? start,
  Offset? end,
}) {
  switch (mode) {
    case PaintModeE.freeStyle:
        offsets: offsets,
        canvas: canvas,
        painter: painter,
        scale: scale,
        freeStyleHighPerformanceScaling: freeStyleHighPerformanceScaling,
        freeStyleHighPerformanceMoving: freeStyleHighPerformanceMoving,
    case PaintModeE.line:
      canvas.drawLine(start! * scale, end! * scale, painter);
    case PaintModeE.arrow:
      drawArrow(canvas, start! * scale, end! * scale, painter);
    case PaintModeE.dashLine:
      final path = Path()
        ..moveTo(start!.dx * scale, start.dy * scale)
        ..lineTo(end!.dx * scale, end.dy * scale);
      canvas.drawPath(drawDashLine(path, painter.strokeWidth), painter);
    case PaintModeE.rect:
      canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromPoints(start! * scale, end! * scale), painter);
    case PaintModeE.circle:
      final path = Path();
      var ovalRect = Rect.fromPoints(start! * scale, end! * scale);
      canvas.drawPath(path, painter);
      throw '$mode is not a valid PaintModeE';