drawDashLine function

Path drawDashLine(
  1. Path path,
  2. double width

Draws a dashed path based on the provided path and stroke width.

This function takes an existing path and returns a new path that consists of dashed segments. The spacing between dashes and the width of dashes depend on the width parameter, which is typically the strokeWidth of the painter used for drawing the path.

  • path: The original path to be converted into a dashed path.
  • width: The stroke width used to determine the proportion of spacing and dashes.

Returns a new path representing the dashed line.


Path drawDashLine(Path path, double width) {
  final dashPath = Path();
  final dashWidth = 10.0 * width / 5;
  final dashSpace = 10.0 * width / 5;
  var distance = 0.0;

  for (final pathMetric in path.computeMetrics()) {
    while (distance < pathMetric.length) {
        pathMetric.extractPath(distance, distance + dashWidth),
      distance += dashWidth;
      distance += dashSpace;

  return dashPath;