openCropEditor method

void openCropEditor()

Opens the crop editor.

This method opens the crop editor, allowing the user to crop and rotate the image.


void openCropEditor() async {
  if (_activeCrop) return;
  EditorImage img = EditorImage(
    assetPath: _image.assetPath,
    byteArray: _image.byteArray,
    file: _image.file,
    networkUrl: _image.networkUrl,
  Uint8List? bytesWithLayers;
  if (_layers.isNotEmpty) {
    _activeCrop = true;
    LoadingDialog loading = LoadingDialog()
        theme: _theme,
        imageEditorTheme: widget.configs.imageEditorTheme,
        designMode: widget.configs.designMode,
        i18n: widget.configs.i18n,
        message: widget.configs.i18n.cropRotateEditor.prepareImageDialogMsg,
    bytesWithLayers = await _screenshotCtrl.capture(
      pixelRatio: _pixelRatio,
    if (mounted) await loading.hide(context);
  _activeCrop = false;
  if (!mounted) return;

  _openEditor = true;

      file: img.file,
      byteArray: img.byteArray,
      assetPath: img.assetPath,
      networkUrl: img.networkUrl,
      bytesWithLayers: bytesWithLayers,
      i18n: widget.configs.i18n,
      icons: widget.configs.icons,
      theme: _theme,
      imageSize: Size(_imageWidth, _imageHeight),
      heroTag: widget.configs.heroTag,
      designMode: widget.configs.designMode,
      imageEditorTheme: widget.configs.imageEditorTheme,
      customWidgets: widget.configs.customWidgets,
      configs: widget.configs.cropRotateEditorConfigs,
  ).then((response) async {
    _openEditor = false;
    if (response != null) {
      CropRotateEditorResponse res = response.result;
      if (res.bytes != null) {
        var decodedImage = response.image;
        if (!mounted) return;
        var w = decodedImage.width;
        var h = decodedImage.height;

        var widthRatio = w.toDouble() / _screen.width;
        var heightRatio = h.toDouble() / _screenInnerHeight;
        var newPixelRatio = max(heightRatio, widthRatio);

        var newImgW = w / newPixelRatio;
        var newImgH = h / newPixelRatio;
        var scale = (_imageWidth * _pixelRatio) / w;
        var oldFullW = _imageWidth * _pixelRatio;
        var oldFullH = _imageHeight * _pixelRatio;

        var rotationScale = _imageWidth / newImgH;

        double fitFactor = 1;

        bool oldFitWidth = _imageWidth >= _screen.width - 0.1 &&
            _imageWidth <= _screen.width + 0.1;
        bool newFitWidth =
            newImgW >= _screen.width - 0.1 && newImgW <= _screen.width + 0.1;
        var scaleX = newFitWidth ? oldFullW / w : oldFullH / h;

        if (oldFitWidth != newFitWidth) {
          if (newFitWidth) {
            fitFactor = _imageWidth / newImgW;
          } else {
            fitFactor = _imageHeight / newImgH;

        List<Layer> updatedLayers = [];
        for (var el in _layers) {
          var layer = _copyLayer(el);
          var beforeIsFlipX = layer.flipX;
          switch (res.rotationAngle) {
            case 0:
            case 180:
              layer.offset = Offset(
                layer.offset.dx / fitFactor,
                layer.offset.dy / fitFactor,
            case 180:
              layer.offset = Offset(
                layer.offset.dx / fitFactor,
                layer.offset.dy / fitFactor,
          bool zoomed = _zoomedLayer(
            layer: layer,
            scale: scale,
            scaleX: scaleX,
            oldFullH: oldFullH,
            oldFullW: oldFullW,
            cropRect: res.cropRect,
            isHalfPi: res.isHalfPi,
            layer: layer,
            flipX: res.flipX,
            flipY: res.flipY,
            isHalfPi: res.isHalfPi,
            layer: layer,
            beforeIsFlipX: beforeIsFlipX,
            newImgW: newImgW,
            newImgH: newImgH,
            rotationAngle: res.rotationAngle,
            rotationRadian: res.rotationRadian,
            rotationScale: zoomed ? 1 : rotationScale,


        _addCroppedImg(updatedLayers, EditorImage(byteArray: res.bytes));
        _pixelRatio = max(heightRatio, widthRatio);
        _imageWidth = w / _pixelRatio;
        _imageHeight = h / _pixelRatio;
        setState(() {});