◭ Prisma is a modern DB toolkit to query, migrate and model your database.


  • init: Initialize a new Prisma project.
  • generate: Generate a Prisma client.
  • db: Manage your database schema and lifecycle.
  • format: Format a Prisma schema.

db Subcommands

  • push: Push the state from your Prisma schema to your database.
  • pull: Pull the state from your database to your Prisma schema.

Console Executable

If you want to use the Prisma CLI from the command line, you can install it with:

dart pub global activate prisma_cli

Then you can use it like this:

prisma --help

Command In Project

The global Prisma CLI is not required, you can add it to dev_dependencies in pubspace.yaml as follows:

  prisma_cli: any

Then you can use it like this:

dart run orm --help

Commands TODO List:

  • init - ✅
  • format - ✅
  • db:
    • push - ✅
    • pull - todo
  • generate - processing
  • help - ✅

More Information

More about Prisma:

