
Reverse-engineered remote protocol and commands for PRISM Live Studio v4.0.0+.

This repository provides a Dart library to use the remote protocol, which is compatible with Flutter (uses dart:io, no web support). If you wish to implement the protocol for yourself, protocol documentation is also provided.

Quick start

A working program using these examples can be found in example/example.dart.

Add package to pubspec.yaml

    prism_connect: ^1.0.0

Import the package

import 'package:prism_connect/prism_connect.dart';

Connect to PRISM Live Studio

(use the port from the QR code within the app):

PrismConnect prism = await PrismConnect.connect("", 50000);

Send a command

(see src/protocol/commands directory for all available commands):

Command deviceInfo = await prism.sendCommand(GetDeviceInfoCommand());

In case the command does not have a class, you can also use call to send a custom command:

Command deviceInfo = await"getDeviceInfo");

Note: Command is a base class; the return type could actually be SuccessCommand/FailureCommand, or in this example, DeviceInfoCommand

Listen and reply to commands

prism.messageStream.listen((message) async {

    // Server sends this command to client every few seconds
    if (message.command is GetDeviceInfoCommand) {
      var deviceInfo = DeviceInfoCommand(
        id: prism.deviceId,
        name: DEVICE_NAME,
        os: DEVICE_OS,
        osVersion: DEVICE_OS_VERSION,
      prism.reply(message, deviceInfo);


await prism.disconnect();


Dart library for Prism Connet