pickPrinter static method

Future<Printer?> pickPrinter({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. Rect? bounds,
  3. String? title,

Opens the native printer picker interface, and returns the URL of the selected printer.

This is not supported on all platforms. Check the result of info to find at runtime if this feature is available or not.


static Future<Printer?> pickPrinter({
  required BuildContext context,
  Rect? bounds,
  String? title,
}) async {
  final printingInfo = await info();

  if (printingInfo.canListPrinters) {
    final printers = await listPrinters();
    printers.sort((a, b) {
      if (a.isDefault) {
        return -1;
      if (b.isDefault) {
        return 1;
      return a.name.compareTo(b.name);

    if (!context.mounted) {
      return null;

    return await showDialog<Printer>(
      context: context,
      builder: (context) => SimpleDialog(
        title: Text(title ?? 'Select Printer'),
        children: [
          for (final printer in printers)
            if (printer.isAvailable)
                onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(printer),
                child: Text(
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontStyle: printer.isDefault
                        ? FontStyle.italic
                        : FontStyle.normal,

  bounds ??= Rect.fromCircle(center: Offset.zero, radius: 10);

  return await PrintingPlatform.instance.pickPrinter(bounds);