directPrintPdf static method

FutureOr<bool> directPrintPdf({
  1. required Printer printer,
  2. required LayoutCallback onLayout,
  3. String name = 'Document',
  4. PdfPageFormat format = PdfPageFormat.standard,
  5. bool dynamicLayout = true,
  6. bool usePrinterSettings = false,

Prints a Pdf document to a specific local printer with no UI

returns a future with a bool set to true if the document is printed and false if it is canceled. throws an exception in case of error

This is not supported on all platforms. Check the result of info to find at runtime if this feature is available or not.

Set usePrinterSettings to true to use the configuration defined by the printer. May not work for all the printers and can depend on the drivers. (Supported platforms: Windows)


static FutureOr<bool> directPrintPdf({
  required Printer printer,
  required LayoutCallback onLayout,
  String name = 'Document',
  PdfPageFormat format = PdfPageFormat.standard,
  bool dynamicLayout = true,
  bool usePrinterSettings = false,
}) {
  return PrintingPlatform.instance.layoutPdf(