merge method

  1. @override
Chrome merge(
  1. Chrome? other

merge other into this preset. Works as copyWith with all it's entry arguments assigned to other's corresponding fields.


Chrome merge(other) {
  return Chrome(
    swatch: other?._swatch ?? _swatch,
    foreground: other?.foreground ?? foreground,
    background: other?.background ?? background,
    primary: other?.primary ?? primary,
    secondary: other?.secondary ?? secondary,
    ascent: other?.ascent ?? ascent,
    //...on surface
    onPrimary: other?._primary ?? _primary,
    onSecondary: other?._secondary ?? _secondary,
    onAscent: other?._ascent ?? _ascent,
    success: other?.success ?? success,
    error: other?.error ?? error,
    warning: other?.warning ?? warning,
    shade: other?.shade ?? shade,
    tint: other?.tint ?? tint,