prep function

Future<bool> prep({
  1. String? path,
  2. List<String> parseTheseFileTypes = const [],
  3. List<String> dontParseTheseFiles = const [],
  4. Map<String, Object> updateTheseFields = const {},
  5. bool? includeEnv,
  6. String prepYaml = "prep.yaml",
  7. String pubspecYaml = "pubspec.yaml",
  8. bool generateExample = true,

Parses all files of types parseTheseFileTypes from the path directory, as well as all subdirectories, except for files specified in dontParseTheseFiles.

To include environment variables, set includeEnv to true.

To update custom fields, set updateTheseFields.

Note: These arguments will overwrite those specified in the files prepYaml and pubspecYaml. The example file prep_example.yaml will be generated in the project directory if prepYaml doesn't exist.

Note: Calls PrepLog.start().

Completes with true if there were no errors.


Future<bool> prep({
  final String? path,
  final List<String> parseTheseFileTypes = const [],
  final List<String> dontParseTheseFiles = const [],
  final Map<String, Object> updateTheseFields = const {},
  final bool? includeEnv,
  final String prepYaml = "prep.yaml",
  final String pubspecYaml = "pubspec.yaml",
  final bool generateExample = true,
}) {
  return Future<bool>(() async {
    try {
      // Generate prep_example.yaml if necessary.
      if (generateExample) {
        await genPrepExampleYaml();

      // Parse pubspec.yaml.
      final _pubspec = await File(pubspecYaml).readAsString().catchError((e) {
        print("→ Prep Warning: $pubspecYaml is missing.");
        return "";

      final _pubspecDecoded =
          ((_pubspec.isNotEmpty ? loadYaml(_pubspec) : null) ?? {}) as Map;
      final _package = (_pubspecDecoded["name"]) as String?;
      final _version = (_pubspecDecoded["version"]) as String?;
      final _homepage = (_pubspecDecoded["homepage"]) as String?;

      // Parse prep.yaml.
      final _prep = await File(prepYaml).readAsString().catchError((e) {
        print("→ Prep Suggestion: $prepYaml is missing. Consider adding it.");
        return "";
      final _prepDecoded =
          ((_prep.isNotEmpty ? loadYaml(_prep) : null) ?? {}) as Map;
      final _prepSyntaxBeg = (_prepDecoded["syntax_beg"] ?? "<") as String;
      final _prepSyntaxEnd = (_prepDecoded["syntax_end"] ?? ">") as String;
      final _prepSyntaxSep = (_prepDecoded["syntax_sep"] ?? "=") as String;
      final _prepIncludeEnv = (_prepDecoded["include_env"]) as bool?;
      final _prepPath = (_prepDecoded["path"] ?? ".") as String;
      final _prepUpdateTheseFields =
          (_prepDecoded["update_these_fields"] ?? {}) as Map;
      final _prepDontParseTheseFiles =
          (_prepDecoded["dont_parse_these_files"] ?? []) as List;
      final _prepParseTheseFileTypes =
          (_prepDecoded["parse_these_file_types"] ?? []) as List;

      // Find paths of all parsable files.
      final _parsables = await getLongFileNamesFromPath(
        path ?? _prepPath,
        types: [
        filesToExclude: [

      // Tweak syntax if necessary.
        beg: _prepSyntaxBeg,
        end: _prepSyntaxEnd,
        sep: _prepSyntaxSep,

      // Parse each parsable file.
      for (final parsable in _parsables) {
        await PrepParser.instance.parse(
          fields: {
            // Fields from prep.yaml.
            // Frields from arguments.
            // Fields from pubspec.yaml.
            if (_package != null) "Package": _package,
            if (_version != null) "Version": _version,
            if (_homepage != null) "Homepage": _homepage,
          includeEnv: includeEnv ?? _prepIncludeEnv ?? false,
    } on YamlException catch (e) {
      print("→ Prep ERROR: Error in prep.yaml: $e");
      return false;
    } on FileSystemException catch (_) {
      // Ignore these exceptions. May be thrown if file encoding isn't compatible.
      return false;
    } catch (e) {
      print("→ Prep ERROR: $e");
      return false;
    return true;