Power State is a lightweight and flexible state management library for Flutter apps. It provides a simple and easy-to-use API that helps you manage the state of your app in a clean and efficient way. With Power State, you can easily manage your app's state and update your UI in real-time.
Step:1 Create a PowerController
Create a controller class that extends PowerController. This controller class will hold your application's state and provide methods to manipulate it.
Here's an example CounterController class:
import 'package:power_state/power_state.dart';
class CounterController extends PowerController {
int count = 1;
increment() {
Step:2 Store controller
Instantiate your controller class using PowerVault.put() method:
final CounterController controller = PowerVault.put(CounterController());
Step:3 Use PowerBuilder and PowerSelector to access your state
Use PowerBuilder to listen for changes to your state and rebuild your UI. Use PowerSelector to select a specific value from your state and rebuild only when that value changes.:
builder: (countController) {
return Text(countController.count.toString());
selector: () => controller.selectorValue,
builder: (countController) {
return Text(countController.selectorValue.toString());
Step:4 Update your state
Update your state by calling methods on your controller and calling notifyListeners() to rebuild your UI.
You can find a Controller that is being used by another page and redirect you to it.
final CounterController countController = PowerVault.find();
Deleting a controller
If you no longer need a controller, you can delete it from PowerVault using the PowerVault.delete
Check out the example app to see Power State in action.