Power State is a lightweight and flexible state management library for Flutter apps. It provides a simple and easy-to-use API that helps you manage the state of your app in a clean and efficient way. With Power State, you can easily manage your app's state and update your UI in real-time.


Step:1 Create a PowerController

Create a controller class that extends PowerController. This controller class will hold your application's state and provide methods to manipulate it.

Here's an example CounterController class:

import 'package:power_state/power_state.dart';

class CounterController extends PowerController {
  int count = 1;

  increment() {

Step:2 Store controller

Instantiate your controller class using PowerVault.put() method:

final CounterController controller = PowerVault.put(CounterController());

Step:3 Use PowerBuilder and PowerSelector to access your state

Use PowerBuilder to listen for changes to your state and rebuild your UI. Use PowerSelector to select a specific value from your state and rebuild only when that value changes.:

  builder: (countController) {
    return Text(countController.count.toString());

  selector: () => controller.selectorValue,
  builder: (countController) {
    return Text(countController.selectorValue.toString());

Step:4 Update your state

Update your state by calling methods on your controller and calling notifyListeners() to rebuild your UI.


You can find a Controller that is being used by another page and redirect you to it.

final CounterController countController = PowerVault.find();

Deleting a controller

If you no longer need a controller, you can delete it from PowerVault using the PowerVault.delete


Deleting all controller

If you no longer need controllerr, you can delete it from PowerVault using the PowerVault.clear() method. Here's an example of clear controllers:


Check out the example app to see Power State in action.

