listFilesByGlob function

Stream<FileSystemEntity> listFilesByGlob(
  1. Iterable<String> globs, {
  2. String? workingDirectory,

Lists all File FileSystemEntitys matching the provided globs.

The globs will be combined to Match one of several possibilities {...,...}

See for more information about globs

workingDirectory will be the root path for the glob pattern to be evaluated in. Defaults to the current working directory provided by path.context

since 0.0.1


//TODO add ability to specify FileSystem
Stream<FileSystemEntity> listFilesByGlob(
  Iterable<String> globs, {
  String? workingDirectory,
}) {
  var context = StringUtil.isNotBlank(workingDirectory)
      ? path.Context(current: workingDirectory)
      : path.context;
  return Glob(
    globs.length == 1 ? globs.first : "{${globs.join(',')}}",
    context: context,
  ).list(root: context.current);