select method

PostgrestTransformBuilder<PostgrestList> select([
  1. String columns = '*'

Performs horizontal filtering with SELECT.

supabase.from('users').insert().select('id, messages');
supabase.from('users').insert().select('id, messages').count(CountOption.exact);

By appending count the return type is PostgrestResponse. Otherwise it's the data directly without the wrapper.


PostgrestTransformBuilder<PostgrestList> select([String columns = '*']) {
  // Remove whitespaces except when quoted
  var quoted = false;
  final re = RegExp(r'\s');
  final cleanedColumns = columns.split('').map((c) {
    if (re.hasMatch(c) && !quoted) {
      return '';
    if (c == '"') {
      quoted = !quoted;
    return c;
  final newHeaders = {..._headers};

  final url = overrideSearchParams('select', cleanedColumns);
  if (newHeaders['Prefer'] != null) {
    newHeaders['Prefer'] = '${newHeaders['Prefer']},';
  newHeaders['Prefer'] = '${newHeaders['Prefer']}return=representation';
  return PostgrestTransformBuilder<PostgrestList>(
      url: url,
      headers: newHeaders,