PostgrestQueryBuilder<T> class

The query builder class provides a convenient interface to creating request queries.

Allows the user to stack the filter functions before they call any of

  • select() - "get"
  • insert() - "post"
  • update() - "patch"
  • delete() - "delete" Once any of these are called the filters are passed down to the Request. ///
Available Extensions


PostgrestQueryBuilder(String url, {Map<String, String>? headers, String? schema, Client? httpClient, FetchOptions? options, YAJsonIsolate? isolate})
The query builder class provides a convenient interface to creating request queries.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


appendSearchParams(String key, String value) → void
Update Uri queryParameters with new key:value Use lists to allow multiple values for the same key
asStream() Stream<T>
Creates a Stream containing the result of this future.
catchError(Function onError, {bool test(Object error)?}) Future<T>
Handles errors emitted by this Future.
delete({ReturningOption returning = ReturningOption.representation, FetchOptions options = const FetchOptions()}) PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
Perform a DELETE on the table or view.
execute({bool head = false, CountOption? count}) Future<PostgrestResponse>
Sends the request and returns a PostgrestResponse
insert(dynamic values, {bool defaultToNull = true}) PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
Perform an INSERT into the table or view.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
overrideSearchParams(String key, String value) → void
Overrides Uri queryParameters with new key:value
select<R>([String columns = '*', FetchOptions options = const FetchOptions()]) PostgrestFilterBuilder<R>
Perform a SELECT query on the table or view.
then<R>(FutureOr<R> onValue(T value), {Function? onError}) Future<R>
Register callbacks to be called when this future completes.
timeout(Duration timeLimit, {FutureOr<T> onTimeout()?}) Future<T>
Stop waiting for this future after timeLimit has passed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update(Map values, {FetchOptions options = const FetchOptions()}) PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
Perform an UPDATE on the table or view.
upsert(dynamic values, {String? onConflict, bool ignoreDuplicates = false, bool defaultToNull = true, FetchOptions options = const FetchOptions()}) PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
Perform an UPSERT on the table or view.
whenComplete(FutureOr<void> action()) Future<T>
Registers a function to be called when this future completes.
withConverter<R>(PostgrestConverter<R, T> converter) PostgrestBuilder<R, T>
Converts any response that comes from the server into a type-safe response.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.