execute method

Future<PostgrestResponse<T>> execute({
  1. bool head = false,
  2. CountOption? count,

Sends the request and returns a Future. catch any error and returns with status 500

head to trigger a HEAD request

count if you want to returns the count value. Support exact, planned and estimated count options.

For more details about switching schemas: https://postgrest.org/en/stable/api.html#switching-schemas Returns {Future} Resolves when the request has completed.


Future<PostgrestResponse<T>> execute({
  bool head = false,
  CountOption? count,
}) async {
  if (head) {
    method = 'HEAD';

  if (count != null) {
    if (headers['Prefer'] == null) {
      headers['Prefer'] = 'count=${count.name()}';
    } else {
      headers['Prefer'] = '${headers['Prefer']!},count=${count.name()}';

  try {
    if (method == null) {
      throw "Missing table operation: select, insert, update or delete";

    final uppercaseMethod = method!.toUpperCase();
    late http.Response response;

    if (schema == null) {
      // skip
    } else if (['GET', 'HEAD'].contains(method)) {
      headers['Accept-Profile'] = schema!;
    } else {
      headers['Content-Profile'] = schema!;
    if (method != 'GET' && method != 'HEAD') {
      headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';

    final bodyStr = json.encode(body);

    if (uppercaseMethod == 'GET') {
      response = await (httpClient?.get ?? http.get)(
        headers: headers,
    } else if (uppercaseMethod == 'POST') {
      response = await (httpClient?.post ?? http.post)(
        headers: headers,
        body: bodyStr,
    } else if (uppercaseMethod == 'PUT') {
      response = await (httpClient?.put ?? http.put)(
        headers: headers,
        body: bodyStr,
    } else if (uppercaseMethod == 'PATCH') {
      response = await (httpClient?.patch ?? http.patch)(
        headers: headers,
        body: bodyStr,
    } else if (uppercaseMethod == 'DELETE') {
      response = await (httpClient?.delete ?? http.delete)(
        headers: headers,
    } else if (uppercaseMethod == 'HEAD') {
      response = await (httpClient?.head ?? http.head)(
        headers: headers,

    return _parseResponse(response);
  } catch (e) {
    final error =
        PostgrestError(code: e.runtimeType.toString(), message: e.toString());
    return PostgrestResponse(
      status: 500,
      error: error,