TimeZoneSettings constructor

  1. String value, {
  2. bool forceDecodeTimestamptzAsUTC = true,
  3. bool forceDecodeTimestampAsUTC = true,
  4. bool forceDecodeDateAsUTC = true,

Creates a new instance of TimeZoneSettings.

value is the name of the time zone location.

The optional named parameters:

  • forceDecodeTimestamptzAsUTC: if true, decodes timestamps with timezone (timestamptz) as UTC. If false, decodes them using the timezone defined in the connection.
  • forceDecodeTimestampAsUTC: if true, decodes timestamps without timezone (timestamp) as UTC. If false, decodes them as local datetime.
  • forceDecodeDateAsUTC: if true, decodes dates as UTC. If false, decodes them as local datetime.


  this.value, {
  this.forceDecodeTimestamptzAsUTC = true,
  this.forceDecodeTimestampAsUTC = true,
  this.forceDecodeDateAsUTC = true,