getlogin function

String? getlogin()

Return the login name of the user.

If there is no login name then null is returned.

If an error occures a PosixException is thrown.

This method is not thread safe.


String? getlogin() {
  _getlogin ??= Libc()
      .lookupFunction<ffi.Pointer<Utf8> Function(), _dart_getlogin>('getlogin');
  final cName = _getlogin!();

  if (cName == ffi.nullptr) {
    // may be there is no login name or possibly an error occured.

    final error = errno();

    if (error != 0) {
      throw PosixException('Call to getlogin() failed', error,
          posixError: _getLogin_error(error));
  // c_name points to static memory so we don't need to free it.
  final name = cName == ffi.nullptr ? null : cName.toDartString();

  return name;