Pool constructor

  1. int _maxAllocatedResources, {
  2. Duration? timeout,

Creates a new pool with the given limit on how many resources may be allocated at once.

If timeout is passed, then if that much time passes without any activity all pending request futures will throw a TimeoutException. This is intended to avoid deadlocks.


Pool(this._maxAllocatedResources, {Duration? timeout}) : _timeout = timeout {
  if (_maxAllocatedResources <= 0) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(_maxAllocatedResources, 'maxAllocatedResources',
        'Must be greater than zero.');

  if (timeout != null) {
    // Start the timer canceled since we only want to start counting down once
    // we've run out of available resources.
    _timer = RestartableTimer(timeout, _onTimeout)..cancel();