ApiKeyringEth class
addAccount(KeyringEVM keyring, {required EVMKeyType keyType, required Map acc, required String password})
→ Future<EthWalletData>
Add account to local storage.
addContact(KeyringEVM keyring, Map acc)
→ Future<EthWalletData>
Add a contact.
addressFromMnemonic({String? derivePath, required String mnemonic})
→ Future<AddressIconData>
get address and avatar from mnemonic.
addressFromPrivateKey({required String privateKey})
→ Future<AddressIconData>
get address and avatar from privateKey.privateKey: string
changeName(KeyringEVM keyring, String name)
→ Future<EthWalletData>
change name of account
changePassword(KeyringEVM keyring, String passOld, String passNew)
→ Future<EthWalletData?>
change password of account
checkPassword(String address, String pass)
→ Future<bool>
check password of account
deleteAccount(KeyringEVM keyring, EthWalletData account)
→ Future<void>
delete account from storage
estimateTransferGas({required String token, required double amount, required String to, required String from})
→ Future<int>
generateMnemonic({int? index, String? mnemonic})
→ Future<AddressIconDataWithMnemonic>
Generate a set of new mnemonic.
getDecryptedSeed(KeyringEVM keyring, dynamic password)
→ Future<SeedBackupData?>
Decrypt and get the backup of seed.
→ Future<String?>
importAccount({required EVMKeyType keyType, required String key, required String name, required String password})
→ Future<Map?>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
renderEthRequest(Map payload)
→ Future<List>
signatureVerify(String message, String signature)
→ Future<Map>
get signer of a signature. so we can verify the signer.
signEthRequest(Map payload, String address, String pass, Map gasOptions)
→ Future<WCCallRequestResult>
signMessage(String password, String message, String address)
→ Future<ExtensionSignResult?>
Open a new webView for a DApp,
sign extrinsic or msg for the DApp.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
transfer({required String token, required double amount, required String to, required String sender, required String pass, required Map gasOptions, required dynamic onStatusChange(Map)})
→ Future<Map>