MoveMetaData constructor

const MoveMetaData(
  1. NamedAPIResource ailment,
  2. NamedAPIResource category,
  3. @JsonKey(name: 'min_hits') int? minHits,
  4. @JsonKey(name: 'max_hits') int? maxHits,
  5. @JsonKey(name: 'min_turns') int? minTurns,
  6. @JsonKey(name: 'max_turns') int? maxTurns,
  7. int drain,
  8. int healing,
  9. @JsonKey(name: 'crit_rate') int critRate,
  10. @JsonKey(name: 'ailment_chance') int ailmentChance,
  11. @JsonKey(name: 'flinch_chance') int flinchChance,
  12. @JsonKey(name: 'stat_chance') int statChance,


const factory MoveMetaData(
  /// The status ailment this move inflicts on its target.
  /// See also:
  /// [MoveAilment]
  NamedAPIResource ailment,

  /// The category of move this move falls under, e.g. damage or ailment.
  /// See also:
  /// [MoveCategory]
  NamedAPIResource category,

  /// The minimum number of times this move hits. Null if it always only hits once.
  @JsonKey(name: 'min_hits') int? minHits,

  /// The maximum number of times this move hits. Null if it always only hits once.
  @JsonKey(name: 'max_hits') int? maxHits,

  /// The minimum number of turns this move continues to take effect.
  /// Null if it always only lasts one turn.
  @JsonKey(name: 'min_turns') int? minTurns,

  /// The maximum number of turns this move continues to take effect.
  /// Null if it always only lasts one turn.
  @JsonKey(name: 'max_turns') int? maxTurns,

  /// HP drain (if positive) or Recoil damage (if negative), in percent of damage done.
  int drain,

  /// The amount of hp gained by the attacking Pokemon, in percent of it's maximum HP.
  int healing,

  /// Critical hit rate bonus.
  @JsonKey(name: 'crit_rate') int critRate,

  /// The likelihood this attack will cause an ailment.
  @JsonKey(name: 'ailment_chance') int ailmentChance,

  /// The likelihood this attack will cause the target Pokémon to flinch.
  @JsonKey(name: 'flinch_chance') int flinchChance,

  /// The likelihood this attack will cause a stat change in the target Pokémon.
  @JsonKey(name: 'stat_chance') int statChance,
) = _MoveMetaData;