toString method

  1. @override
String toString()

A string representation of this object.

Some classes have a default textual representation, often paired with a static parse function (like int.parse). These classes will provide the textual representation as their string representation.

Other classes have no meaningful textual representation that a program will care about. Such classes will typically override toString to provide useful information when inspecting the object, mainly for debugging or logging.


String toString() {
  return 'ApiDao{ability: $ability, berry: $berry, berryFirmness: $berryFirmness, berryFlavor: $berryFlavor, characteristic: $characteristic, contestEffect: $contestEffect, contestType: $contestType, eggGroup: $eggGroup, encounterCondition: $encounterCondition, encounterConditionValue: $encounterConditionValue, encounterMethod: $encounterMethod, evolutionChain: $evolutionChain, evolutionTrigger: $evolutionTrigger, gender: $gender, generation: $generation, growthRate: $growthRate, item: $item, itemAttribute: $itemAttribute, itemCategory: $itemCategory, itemFlingEffect: $itemFlingEffect, itemPocket: $itemPocket, language: $language, location: $location, locationArea: $locationArea, machine: $machine, move: $move, moveAilment: $moveAilment, moveBattleStyle: $moveBattleStyle, moveCategory: $moveCategory, moveDamageClass: $moveDamageClass, moveLearnMethod: $moveLearnMethod, moveTarget: $moveTarget, nature: $nature, palParkArea: $palParkArea, pokeathlonStat: $pokeathlonStat, pokedex: $pokedex, pokemon: $pokemon, pokemonColor: $pokemonColor, pokemonForm: $pokemonForm, pokemonHabitat: $pokemonHabitat, pokemonShape: $pokemonShape, pokemonSpecies: $pokemonSpecies, region: $region, stat: $stat, superContestEffect: $superContestEffect, type: $type, version: $version, versionGroup: $versionGroup}';