update method

  1. @override
void update(
  1. Uint8List inp,
  2. int inOff,
  3. int len

Add len bytes of data contained in inp, starting at position inpOff to the MAC'ed input.


void update(Uint8List inp, int inOff, int len) {
  if (len < 0) {
    throw ArgumentError('Can\'t have a negative input length!');

  var blockSize = _cipher.blockSize;
  var gapLen = blockSize - _bufOff;

  if (len > gapLen) {
    _buf.setRange(_bufOff, _bufOff + gapLen, inp.sublist(inOff));

    _cipher.processBlock(_buf, 0, _mac, 0);

    _bufOff = 0;
    len -= gapLen;
    inOff += gapLen;

    while (len > blockSize) {
      _cipher.processBlock(inp, inOff, _mac, 0);

      len -= blockSize;
      inOff += blockSize;

  _buf.setRange(_bufOff, _bufOff + len, inp.sublist(inOff));

  _bufOff += len;