doFinal method
Store the digest of previously given data in buffer out
starting at
offset outOff
. This method returns the size of the digest.
int doFinal(Uint8List out, int outOff) {
var tmp = Uint8List(64);
var view = ByteData.view(tmp.buffer, tmp.offsetInBytes, tmp.length);
h1.pack(view, 0, Endian.big);
h2.pack(view, 8, Endian.big);
h3.pack(view, 16, Endian.big);
h4.pack(view, 24, Endian.big);
h5.pack(view, 32, Endian.big);
h6.pack(view, 40, Endian.big);
h7.pack(view, 48, Endian.big);
h8.pack(view, 56, Endian.big);
out.setRange(outOff, outOff + digestSize, tmp);
return digestSize;