updateByte method

  1. @override
void updateByte(
  1. int inp

Add one byte of data to the digested input.


void updateByte(int inp) {
  if (_bufferPos == _blockSize) {
    // full buffer
    // This requires hashing > 2^64 bytes which is impossible for the forseeable future.
    // So _t1 is untested dead code, but I've left it in because it is in the source library.
    if (_t0.lo32 == 0 && _t0.hi32 == 0) _t1.sum(1);
    _compress(_buffer, 0);
    _buffer!.fillRange(0, _buffer!.length, 0); // clear buffer
    _buffer![0] = inp;
    _bufferPos = 1;
  } else {
    _buffer![_bufferPos] = inp;