update method
Add len
bytes of data contained in inp
, starting at position inpOff
ti the digested input.
void update(Uint8List inp, int inpOff, int len) {
if (len == 0) return;
var remainingLength = 0;
if (_bufferPos != 0) {
remainingLength = _blockSize - _bufferPos;
if (remainingLength < len) {
.setRange(_bufferPos, _bufferPos + remainingLength, inp, inpOff);
if (_t0.lo32 == 0 && _t0.hi32 == 0) _t1.sum(1);
_compress(_buffer, 0);
_bufferPos = 0;
_buffer!.fillRange(0, _buffer!.length, 0); // clear buffer
} else {
_buffer!.setRange(_bufferPos, _bufferPos + len, inp, inpOff);
_bufferPos += len;
int msgPos;
var blockWiseLastPos = inpOff + len - _blockSize;
for (msgPos = inpOff + remainingLength;
msgPos < blockWiseLastPos;
msgPos += _blockSize) {
if (_t0.lo32 == 0 && _t0.hi32 == 0) _t1.sum(1);
_compress(inp, msgPos);
_buffer!.setRange(0, inpOff + len - msgPos, inp, msgPos);
_bufferPos += inpOff + len - msgPos;