doFinal method

  1. @override
int doFinal(
  1. Uint8List out,
  2. int outOff

Store the MAC of previously given data in buffer out starting at offset outOff. This method returns the size of the digest.


int doFinal(Uint8List out, int outOff) {
  var blockSize = _cipher.blockSize;

  if (_padding == null) {
    // pad with zeroes
    while (_bufOff < blockSize) {
      _buf[_bufOff] = 0;
  } else {
    if (_bufOff == blockSize) {
      _cipher.processBlock(_buf, 0, _mac, 0);
      _bufOff = 0;

    _padding.addPadding(_buf, _bufOff);

  _cipher.processBlock(_buf, 0, _mac, 0);

  out.setRange(outOff, outOff + _macSize, _mac);


  return _macSize;