doFinal method
Store the digest of previously given data in buffer out
starting at
offset outOff
. This method returns the size of the digest.
int doFinal(Uint8List out, int outOff) {
_f0.set(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
if (_bufferPos > 0 && _t0.lo32 == 0 && _t0.hi32 == 0) _t1.sum(1);
_compress(_buffer, 0);
_buffer!.fillRange(0, _buffer!.length, 0); // clear buffer
_internalState.fillRange(0, _internalState.length, 0);
final packedValue = Uint8List(8);
final packedValueData = packedValue.buffer.asByteData();
for (var i = 0; i < _chainValue!.length && (i * 8 < _digestLength); ++i) {
_chainValue![i].pack(packedValueData, 0, Endian.little);
final start = outOff + i * 8;
if (i * 8 < _digestLength - 8) {
out.setRange(start, start + 8, packedValue);
} else {
out.setRange(start, start + _digestLength - (i * 8), packedValue);
_chainValue!.fillRange(0, _chainValue!.length, 0);
return _digestLength;