processBlock method

  1. @override
int processBlock(
  1. Uint8List inp,
  2. int inpOff,
  3. Uint8List out,
  4. int outOff,

Process one block of input from the array in and write it to the out array.

@param in the array containing the input data. @param inOff offset into the in array the data starts at. @param out the array the output data will be copied into. @param outOff the offset into the out array the output will start at. @exception DataLengthException if there isn't enough data in in, or space in out. @exception IllegalStateException if the cipher isn't initialised. @return the number of bytes processed and produced.


int processBlock(Uint8List inp, int inpOff, Uint8List out, int outOff) =>
        ? _encryptBlock(inp, inpOff, out, outOff)
        : _decryptBlock(inp, inpOff, out, outOff);