unsubscribeByPrefix method

Future<void> unsubscribeByPrefix(
  1. String topicPrefix

Unsubscribe from all subscription listeners starting with the specified topic prefix.

This method is no-op if there are no active subscriptions with the specified topic prefix.

The related sse connection will be autoclosed if after the unsubscribe operation there are no active subscriptions left.


Future<void> unsubscribeByPrefix(String topicPrefix) async {
  final beforeLength = _subscriptions.length;

  // remove matching subscriptions
  _subscriptions.removeWhere((key, func) {
    // "?" so that it can be used as end delimiter for the prefix
    return "$key?".startsWith(topicPrefix);

  // no changes
  if (beforeLength == _subscriptions.length) {

  // no other subscriptions -> close the sse connection
  if (!_hasNonEmptyTopic()) {
    return _disconnect();

  // otherwise - notify the server about the subscription changes
  if (_clientId.isNotEmpty) {
    return _submitSubscriptions();