pmap<T, U> function

Stream<U> pmap<T, U>(
  1. Iterable<T> iterable,
  2. U mapper(
    1. T input
    ), {
  3. int parallel = 1,
  4. bool preserveOrder = true,

Operates like except performs the function mapper on a background isolate. parallel denotes how many background isolates to use (so it must be a positive number).

This is only useful if the computation time of mapper out paces the overhead in coordination.

If preserving the order of the iterable is not required, the preserveOrder setting can be set to false, reducing memory and returning results as soon as available.

Note: mapper must be a static method or a top-level function.


Stream<U> pmap<T, U>(
  Iterable<T> iterable,
  U Function(T input) mapper, {
  int parallel = 1,
  bool preserveOrder = true,
}) {
    parallel > 0,
    'There need to be at least one worker, but got $parallel',

  final controller = StreamController<U>();

  // If the iterable was a list, the `currentIterableIndex` would be the
  // index of the element in `iterable.iterator`.
  var currentIterableIndex = -1;
  final it = iterable.iterator;
  bool nextInputElement() {
    final hasNext = it.moveNext();
    if (hasNext) currentIterableIndex++;
    return hasNext;

  // The number of already emitted elements.
  var nextPublishIndex = 0;
  void publishElement(U result) {

  // Did we emit a value for all elements gotten from iterable.
  var allElementsPublished = false;

  // This is late, so it does not get initialized for `preserveOrder == false`.
  late final buffer = <int, U>{};
  final isolates = List.generate(
    (_) async {
      final isolate = await _ProcessorIsolate.spawn(mapper);
        (dynamic result) {
          if (isolate.sendPort == null) {
            isolate.sendPort = result as SendPort;
          } else {
            final enumeratedResult = result as MapEntry<int, U>;
            if (preserveOrder) {
              if (enumeratedResult.key == nextPublishIndex) {
                var containsNext = buffer.containsKey(nextPublishIndex);
                while (containsNext) {
                      as U); // The `as U` makes sure that this could be null if U is nullable, but the publishElement gets U and not U?
                  containsNext = buffer.containsKey(nextPublishIndex);
              } else {
                buffer[enumeratedResult.key] = enumeratedResult.value;
            } else {
          if (nextInputElement()) {
            // Either sendPort was not [null] to begin with or it was set as the first message
            isolate.sendPort!.send(MapEntry(currentIterableIndex, it.current));
          } else {
            if (currentIterableIndex == nextPublishIndex - 1) {
              allElementsPublished = true;
      return isolate;
    growable: false,

  Future.wait(isolates).then((isolatesSync) =>
      Future.wait( => isolate.completer.future)).then(
        (_) {
          for (final isolate in isolatesSync) {
          if (!allElementsPublished) {
            throw StateError(
                'For the $currentIterableIndex iterable elements there where only ${nextPublishIndex - 1} stream events published.\n'
                'This means one of the isolates had issues.');
