PlutoRow.fromJson constructor

  1. Map<String, dynamic> json, {
  2. String? childrenField,

Create PlutoRow in json type. The key of the json you want to generate must match the key of PlutoColumn.

final json = {
  'column1': 'value1',
  'column2': 'value2',
  'column3': 'value3',

final row = PlutoRow.fromJson(json);

If you want to create a group row with children, you need to pass childrenField .

// Example when the child row field is children
final json = {
  'column1': 'group value1',
  'column2': 'group value2',
  'column3': 'group value3',
  'children': [
      'column1': 'child1 value1',
      'column2': 'child1 value2',
      'column3': 'child1 value3',
      'column1': 'child2 value1',
      'column2': 'child2 value2',
      'column3': 'child2 value3',

final rowGroup = PlutoRow.fromJson(json, childrenField: 'children');


factory PlutoRow.fromJson(
  Map<String, dynamic> json, {
  String? childrenField,
}) {
  final Map<String, PlutoCell> cells = {};

  final bool hasChildren =
      childrenField != null && json.containsKey(childrenField);

  final entries = hasChildren
      ? json.entries.where((e) => e.key != childrenField)
      : json.entries;

  assert(!hasChildren || json.length - 1 == entries.length);

  for (final item in entries) {
    cells[item.key] = PlutoCell(value: item.value);

  PlutoRowType? type;

  if (hasChildren) {
    assert(json[childrenField] is List<Map<String, dynamic>>);

    final children = <PlutoRow>[];

    for (final child in json[childrenField]) {
      children.add(PlutoRow.fromJson(child, childrenField: childrenField));

    type = FilteredList(initialList: children));

  return PlutoRow(cells: cells, type: type);