mode property

PlutoGridMode mode

Execution mode of PlutoGrid.

PlutoGridMode.normal Basic mode with most functions not limited, such as editing and selection.

PlutoGridMode.readOnly Cell cannot be edited. To try to edit by force, it is possible as follows.

  force: true,
);, PlutoGridMode.selectWithOneTap Mode for selecting one list from a specific list. Tap a row or press Enter to select the current row.

select Call the PlutoGrid.onSelected callback when the selected row is tapped. To select an unselected row, select the row and then tap once more. selectWithOneTap Same as select, but calls PlutoGrid.onSelected with one tap.

This mode is non-editable, but programmatically possible.

  force: true,

PlutoGridMode.multiSelect Mode to select multiple rows. When a row is tapped, it is selected or deselected and the PlutoGrid.onSelected callback is called. PlutoGridOnSelectedEvent.selectedRows contains the selected rows. When a row is selected with keyboard shift + arrowDown/Up keys, the PlutoGrid.onSelected callback is called only when the Enter key is pressed. When the Escape key is pressed, the selected row is canceled and the PlutoGrid.onSelected callback is called with a PlutoGridOnSelectedEvent.selectedRows value of null.

PlutoGridMode.popup This is a mode for popup type. It is used when calling a popup for filtering or column setting inside PlutoGrid, and it is not a mode for users.

If the user wants to run PlutoGrid as a popup, use PlutoGridPopup or PlutoGridDualGridPopup.


final PlutoGridMode mode;