convertRowsToMap static method

Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> convertRowsToMap(
  1. List<PlutoRow> filterRows, {
  2. String allField = 'all',

Converts List

allField determines the key value of the filter applied to the entire scope. Default is all.

// The return value below is an example of the condition
in which two filtering is applied with the Contains type condition to all ranges.
{all: [{Contains: abc}, {Contains: 123}]}

// If filtering is applied to a column, the key is the field name of the column.
{column1: [{Contains: abc}]}


static Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> convertRowsToMap(
  List<PlutoRow> filterRows, {
  String allField = 'all',
}) {
  final map = <String, List<Map<String, String>>>{};

  if (filterRows.isEmpty) return map;

  for (final row in filterRows) {
    String columnField = row.cells[FilterHelper.filterFieldColumn]!.value;

    if (columnField == FilterHelper.filterFieldAllColumns) {
      columnField = allField;

    final String filterType =
        (row.cells[FilterHelper.filterFieldType]!.value as PlutoFilterType)

    final filterValue = row.cells[FilterHelper.filterFieldValue]!.value;

    if (map.containsKey(columnField)) {
      map[columnField]!.add({filterType: filterValue});
    } else {
      map[columnField] = [
        {filterType: filterValue},

  return map;