toggleSortColumn method

  1. @override
void toggleSortColumn(
  1. PlutoColumn column

Toggle column sorting.

It works when you tap the title area of a column. When called, PlutoGrid.onSorted callback is called. (If registered)

sortAscending, sortDescending, sortBySortIdx also sort the column, but do not call the PlutoGrid.onSorted callback.


void toggleSortColumn(PlutoColumn column) {
  final oldSort = column.sort;

  if (column.sort.isNone) {
    sortAscending(column, notify: false);
  } else if (column.sort.isAscending) {
    sortDescending(column, notify: false);
  } else {
    sortBySortIdx(column, notify: false);

  _callOnSorted(column, oldSort);

  notifyListeners(true, toggleSortColumn.hashCode);